Great Quotes
I have always had more dread of a pen, a bottle of ink, and a sheet of paper than of a sword or pistol. - Alexandre Dumas
The Duran: Soft racism of Alex Mercouris
Alex Mercouris - journalists

Alex Mercouris has revealed himself as a soft racist in his video on ‘A New Europe ’  1. I write this with some sorrow. I do not consider it on the basis of his saying something negative about immigrants (frankly who cares?) but on the basis of his deliberate distortion of the facts, and his inflammatory insinuations. Lets start with the most simple statement. His statement that migration is causing increasing cultural stresses  in Britain  is an amazing statement….

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Loyola vs Al-Adnani of Islamic State: who is the militant terrorist?

It is written in Ignatius Loyola’s autobiography: ‘While he journeyed on, a Saracen mounted on a horse came up with him. In the  course of the conversation mention was made of the Blessed Virgin. The stranger  remarked that though he admitted that the Mother of Christ had conceived without  detriment to her virginal purity, yet he could not believe that after the conception of  her divine Son she was still a virgin. He was so obstinate in holding this…

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One of the great mysteries for many is the incoherence of Nigeria despite its brilliant people. To unravel this mystery we must first start with an understanding of ‘fifth column’. Britannica’s definition is as follows: ‘fifth column, clandestine group or faction of subversive agents who attempt to undermine a nation’s solidarity by any means at their disposal‘. (see note 1) Mola is credited with inventing the concept of ‘fifth column’ during the Spanish Civil War. see note 2: ‘In October 1936,…

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Katherine Blouin and Rebecca Futo Kennedy: False friends & Shortchanging Black America, insulting Africa
sutton hoon helmet

Blouin and Kennedy have written about the current controversy regarding Cleopatra as a Black Pharaoh.1 It will be argued that they have engaged in massive misdirection and are false friends. 1  Misrepresenting Afrocentrism: Afro-centrism: there is a great tendency to ascribe to ‘Afrocentrism’ any silly idea the commentator may have. Dr Amro Ali states: ‘ spare a thought for the previous six unfortunate Cleopatras who ruled Egypt and yet no Egyptian, Greek, Macedonian or Afrocentricist ever mentions them or…

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Paul Craig Roberts: the return of US apartheid apologists
paul craig roberts

Paul Craig Roberts has performed an amazing tour de force. He has modernised the defence of apartheid and anti-semitism.1 Why should his defence of apartheid be important? The reason is because it has taken root among young academic members of the far right, who camouflage their true identity with its unusual arguments. It is used to justify racial oppression with new arguments. His key argument starts: ‘Why is racial separation worse than class separation? Why does one get legal…

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Failure of African intellectuals: Part 1 – Unravelling Marx
karl marx

Contemporary African intellectuals are playing a large role in the underdevelopment of Africa. Put more clearly, the failure of contemporary African intellectuals  has played a major role in the underdevelopment of contemporary Africa. In the pre-Independnece period, there were many African intellectuals whose instinct was to be entirely sceptical about any aspects of the Western narrative. This scepticism can be seen in how Eric Williams made the effort to look at the pattern of the British slave trade, how…

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Maverick Media:  South Africa’s agents for a foreign power?

Tim Cohen: Chief Editor. We wrote earlier about Maverick groups attitude to social and economic inequality in South Africa. We noted their failure to reply despite their faux liberal concern for the poor. SA is the world’s worst in terms of inequality and it has not moved in 30 years. (Note 1) But the general trend of Maverick is revealed by its story: “CT mayor lambasts Russian ‘moral disgrace’ by Tiara Walters” 8 Feb 23. No interview of the…

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Perfidious Albion: UK , US and China

It is  a common trope to describe the UK as a poodle to the US. It is said the Europeans saw the UK as America’s unsinkable battleship.   It certainly appears in the press that the UK does anything the US requests. But this is curious. Several decades earlier there was great debate among the British elite about whether UK should join the US as a US state.  But the idea that the UK should be a long time permanent…

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Nordstream: Do the neo-cons think we are all stupid?

There is much astonishment about the behaviour of the neo-con establishment and the different stories being told about Nordstream. There is also astonishment at the scale of lies and deceit about Covid and mRNA vaccines. How can they think we are all so stupid? Let us stop and think. Consider the imperial expansion of Europe which is mostly portrayed as a macho, a superior expression of white personality. When the Portuguese first set sail for the Americas using Chinese…

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Chester Crocker, Merkel, Ukraine and apartheid

Angela Merkel has stated that she negotiated in bad faith with Russia, and that the Minsk accords were only a time-saving device to allow Ukraine to build itself up1.  Many commentators appeared shocked by these admissions. However, any close reading of US policy in Southern Africa would have shown that this sort of behaviour was the standard operating procedure for the US. For reasons which we will reveal later, Western commentators ignore the evidence trail from Africa, as if…

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