Great Quotes
I have always had more dread of a pen, a bottle of ink, and a sheet of paper than of a sword or pistol. - Alexandre Dumas
Col Macgregor – Sevres to Lausanne : How not to think about the Ukraine war
Col Macgregor

 One of the first issues when reviewing critical commentary on the Ukraine war that must be noted is that among these critical parties in the West the context and behaviour of the neo-cons are described as either delusional or irrational. Their politics are seen as based on post-WW2 rhetorics. Col Macgregor repeatedly describes the Europeans and neo-cons as ‘crazy’, ‘delusional’, and full of ‘complete folly and disaster’  in his webcast:1  Two issues arise. First is that claiming the other…

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Alex Mercouris: Patronising Iran

Alex Mercouris in his presentation of 14 April 2024 1asks the question: Does Iran have the capability to develop hypersonic weapons … and then adds ‘by itself’? Alex’s has a curious assumption that Iran has to develop the technology on its own with exclusively national resources. This is a strange assumption as it has never  been applied elsewhere. Let us start with the Manhattan Project. This project utilised scientists from all over Europe etc, for example from Hungary, Germany,…

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Arabs and Palestinians:  evil has no nationality
Sultan who tried to flatten the Pyramids

‘O, what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!’ Walter Scott (Marmion 1808) Western psychohistory generates a complicated web of what becomes self-deception. But Western sceptics seeking justice also become entrapped in this. Western received history portrays the West as active and the rest of the wold as reactive or victims. This often misreads the dynamic of history and takes away agency from others. While many of us  are appalled and outraged by the suffering…

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Carl Zha: lazy thinking
Carl Zha Journalist

Carl Zha was interviewed by David Oualaalou on 17 Feb 20241.  He repeats a fundamental error of many Asian leftist in their analysis of US policy. They posit that the fundamental difference between Chinese policy and US policy is that China looks long-term and US policy is dominated by short-term policies. At one point Carl Zha suggests that quarterly earnings dominate US thinking. This is lazy thinking and close to absurd. If we look at US historical policy we…

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 Kait Borsay: Murderous illusions

see: Interview with Peter Hitchens1 At 48.49 of the interview Kait Borsay says of Putin ‘Should he just be taken out?’ Peter Hitchens wisely responds:     ‘For what reason and by whom?’ and she responds: ‘Because he is a threat …’ To Hitchens demurrement she asks: ’where do we go with Vladimir Putin?’ This is quite appalling and quite worrying. Lets start with discussing murder  and whether that is  legitimate.  Would it be legitimate to ask ‘should we…

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In Leviticus, it is written: ‘You are to skin the burnt offering and cut it into pieces.’ 1:6 ‘It is a burnt offering, a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the Lord.’ 1:9 Sin offering: ‘If the whole Israelite community sins unintentionally and does what is forbidden in any of the Lord’s commands, even though the community is unaware of the matter, when they realize their guilt and the sin they committed becomes known, the assembly must bring a…

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BLM: POLICING AS RITUAL SACRIFICE On two separate occasions I have explored the connection between US police killing and human sacrifice. I was unaware of the other important scholars who had already explored this idea. Brian Smith, formerly Professor of Religious Studies at UC Riverside writes: ‘’ …modern executions are more or less undeniably ritualised killings of a human being and so, of course, are those traditional religious practices termed ‘human sacrifices’. 1 Police killings in the US seem at…

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HOWARD UNIVERSITY: F for Classics, resits for Cornel West and Jeremy Tate
[:en]Howard University[:]

I had something else to do today …but this cannot wait!!! Jeremy Tate and Cornel West have written an opinion piece (The Washington Post 20 April 2021 ) in response to Howard University’s culling of its classics department. If true the proposal by Howard University to cull its classics department is a disaster, the response by West and Tate are catastrophes. For Howard to ‘cancel’ the classics is possibly the result of the long term effects of the neo-liberal…

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Joshua Glasgow: Confusing genocide and racism
glasgow philosophy

Racism is assumed in most Western philosophy to be a singular and widespread phenomena. However we should consider whether racism is more like a virus or bacteria. It can evolve and adapt to different environments. In addition some virus and bacteria mutate from virulent to innocuous and back again. Racism could be a family of human behaviours. While we identify the virulent strain as objectionable any suggestion that elements of it are widespread might suggest that the underlying behaviour…

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Julian Baggini: Hume and the genteel racism of British philosophy

Baggini has written a piece in Prospect magazine ‘   Is the University of Edinburgh right to “cancel” David Hume?’ 15 Sep 2020. He is seeking to defend Hume from accusations of racism while accepting his ‘unfortunate’ statements. He writes: ‘Hume was both a product of his time and like people of every time, had his blind spots.’ This statement implies that Hume’s views were uncontroversial during his time. This is completely untrue. His views were seriously challenged and…

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