Great Quotes
I have always had more dread of a pen, a bottle of ink, and a sheet of paper than of a sword or pistol. - Alexandre Dumas
Carl Zha: lazy thinking
Carl Zha Journalist

Carl Zha was interviewed by David Oualaalou on 17 Feb 20241.  He repeats a fundamental error of many Asian leftist in their analysis of US policy. They posit that the fundamental difference between Chinese policy and US policy is that China looks long-term and US policy is dominated by short-term policies. At one point Carl Zha suggests that quarterly earnings dominate US thinking. This is lazy thinking and close to absurd. If we look at US historical policy we…

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 Kait Borsay: Murderous illusions

see: Interview with Peter Hitchens1 At 48.49 of the interview Kait Borsay says of Putin ‘Should he just be taken out?’ Peter Hitchens wisely responds:     ‘For what reason and by whom?’ and she responds: ‘Because he is a threat …’ To Hitchens demurrement she asks: ’where do we go with Vladimir Putin?’ This is quite appalling and quite worrying. Lets start with discussing murder  and whether that is  legitimate.  Would it be legitimate to ask ‘should we…

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Nigerian political elite : Catastrophic failure

There is a description of Nigeria by a famous economist who has been unjustly ignored by the Nigerian political elite. According to him Nigeria is a world where it was not the Nigerian elite that ruled under Buhari and Tinubu, but one faction of it: bankers, stock-exchange kings, ….. a part of the landed proprietors associated with them – the so-called financial aristocracy. It sat on the throne, it dictated laws in the National Assembly, it distributed public offices,…

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Henry Louis Gates : kicking sand in my face
Professor skip gates

We can start with intellectual property. There are two aspects to this idea a) respect and b) money. To acknowledge an author was historically to show respect. “This idea came from X”. There are complexities in this such as the assertion of lineage and authority. ‘Confucius , he say…’ is an appeal to authority just as ‘it is said in the Bible’. In the world of poetry and the arts acknowledgement is a deep form of respect. As to…

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Benny Morris ascendant: why ethnic cleansing is justified
Prof Benny Morris

Reviewing the views1 of Benny Morris as expressed in his writings is illuminating. Paraphrasing his words is likely to lead to disbelief so he must be allowed to speak for himself. In 2004 Benny Morris wrote: ‘There are circumstances in history that justify ethnic cleansing. I know that this term is completely negative in the discourse of the 21st century, but when the choice is between ethnic cleansing and genocide—the annihilation of your people—I prefer ethnic cleansing.’ Of course,…

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Seymour Hersh: Concealing genocide, praising war-crimes
Seymour Hersh

Seymour Hersh  has  curious view of the Israeli invasion and bombing of Gaza.1 According Hersh: ‘The Israelis had mapped the system and thus were able to assassinate many Hamas brigade commanders and their families, in their beds ….’ It seems indisputable that their families were not combattants but were nevertheless deliberately targetted  without any need from an operational point of view. This was merely an act of terror. ‘Israeli intelligence, which has mapped the tunnel system, understood early on…

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Andrew Roberts: Might makes Right.

Roberts1 suggests in a recent article that one should consider the post war large -scale population transfers. I presume that  he does not consider the population transfers of Jews to Israel or to concentration camps as an acceptable model. He asks the Palestinians to accept their displacement as ‘an irreversible historical fact’ .  This is an astonishing statement for a historian.  The juxtaposition of ‘irreversible’ and ‘fact’ reveals the deep deceit. Whether the change is ‘irreversible’ is an opinion not…

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Afton Titus and the shaming of African Tax Professionals

Afton Titus  has written an article on Chinese investments in Africa  implying more costs than benefits.1 What is more important is how she puts her article together. She violates almost all the rules either of academia or of international tax. She is aware of the many arguments that China is involved in debt trap diplomacy but she is also aware that most of those arguments have been discredited. She has arrived with a new argument. What is this new…

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US Neo-Cons: the Jim Jones Moment?
Rev Jim Jones

Jim Jones led a religious movement that ended in mass suicide. Initial reports suggested that  Jim Jones led a solely Black congregation with the silent implication that these Black people were just dumb idiots who would commit suicide if a white leader told them to. Though Jim Jones was anti-racist, his congregation was not exclusively or majority Black. Jim Jones had fervent dreams of bringing about a better world and was driven by these dreams. Self-awareness was not one…

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Mercouris & Christoforou – The Duran: Eurocentric recidivists

We are in this story following a tradition from Canon Doyle. What is missing might be the important and strong clue as in ‘the dog that did not bark’. Let us consider the current analysis of The Duran (Alex Mercouris and Alex Christoforou). They have accepted that the Ukraine war is part of a conflict between US on one side and China and Russia on the other. They also accept that China and Russia have an unbounded relationship. However,…

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