Douglas Macgregor – Ethnic fantasist, nostalgia for homogeneity  or just plain racism?

Col Macgregor

Enough is enough. However much one might admire some of the outspoken views of Douglas Macgregor his outspoken racism must be called out.

Macgregor’s interview

All the problems of the US are caused by the massive influx of non-Europeans into the US. It is these people who assist in totally rigging elections in large cities for the Democratic Party. In large cities , according to Macgregor, all the voting is fraudulent. Even the Tech entrepreneurs who came to the US and helped developed the US tech sector are mere outposts of foreign countries such as India or Pakistan. Macgregor  appears not to accept passports or nationalities. When tech millionaires move into an area  of Washington DC , Macgregor sees this not as successful integration, but as foreigners moving in and Americans leaving and the area literally becomes an extension of India or Bangladesh.

At time point 23.00 in the Youtube video Macgregor states: ‘Diversity is a catastrophe. It always has been. Homogeneity is what makes you powerful.’   He even goes so far as to say of the US army during WW2  “ It is 95% European  and they all speak English. Wake up.”

Macgregor says he shows pictures of Normandy landing and reminds people that ALL the people in the picture are white. He shows these pictures as if he expected to see non-White faces. This of course is appalling misdirection. 

The US army was segregated at that time. All 1.2 million African-American soldiers would be in their own battalions. 

The story of Waverley Woodson is indicative:

‘Woodson was just 21 years old when his First Army unit, the 320th Barrage Balloon Battalion, took part in the Allied operation that helped precipitate Adolf Hitler’s downfall 11 months later.

Woodson’s battalion, the only African American combat unit on Omaha that day, was responsible for setting up high-flying inflatable balloons to prevent enemy planes from buzzing over the beach and attacking the Allied forces.

At a time when the U.S. military was still segregated by race, about 2,000 African American troops are believed to have taken part in the D-Day invasion.

Woodson died in 2005, at age 83, and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

His son, 66-year-old Stephen Woodson, fought back tears Friday when The Associated Press described the ceremony to him by phone.

“I’ve got chills,” he said. “My father is receiving a lot of attention that is long overdue. It’s almost beyond words for me to describe how important this is for my family.”

‘Waverly Woodson himself spoke to the AP in 1994 about how his landing craft came under intense fire from German gunners as it approached the beach.

”The tide brought us in, and that’s when the 88s hit us,” he said of the German 88mm guns. “They were murder. Of our 26 Navy personnel there was only one left. They raked the whole top of the ship and killed all the crew. Then they started with the mortar shells,” Woodson said in the interview.

For the next 30 hours he treated 200 wounded men while under intense small arms and artillery fire before collapsing from his injuries and blood loss, according to accounts of his service. At the time he was awarded the Bronze Star.

Although 1.2 million Black Americans served in the military during World War II, none was among the original recipients of the Medal of Honor awarded in the conflict.

The Army commissioned a study in the early 1990s to analyze whether Black troops had been unjustly overlooked during an era of widespread racism and segregation in the military. Ultimately, seven Black World War II troops were awarded the Medal of Honor in 1997.’


Macgregor has chosen to forget that the Roman army was made up of volunteers mostly non-Roman. A reward for military service was citizenship and often land on retirement. Many Roman Emperors were non-Roman and many were non-white. However where the Romans would have  enfranchised African Americans who fought for Rome with their lives, the US  instead engaged in widespread lynching of these same soldiers once they were demobilised.

During the Second World War (1939–1945), India was a part of the British Empire. British India officially declared war on Nazi Germany in September 1939.[1] India, as a part of the Allied Nations, sent over two and a half million soldiers to fight under British command against the Axis powers. India was also used as the base for American operations in support of China in the China Burma India Theater.,command%20against%20the%20Axis%20powers.

What about Africans:

‘’More than a million African soldiers served in colonial armies in World War II. Many veterans experienced prejudice during the war and little gratitude or compensation for their services afterwards’

How white was the US Army? According to the  National WW2  Museum

Minority Participation in the Military

African American901,896
Puerto Rican51,438*
Japanese American33,000
American Indian20,000
Chinese American13,311
Filipino American11,506

Denying the contribution of other soldiers is disgraceful. It ought to be a disciplinary offence as a dishonour to the flag. It is a criminal offence in the UK  to wear a medal to appear to have been a member of the armed services ’it is illegal under section 197 of the Army Act 1955 to use these to pretend to be a member of the armed forces. (This act will be superseded by the Armed Forces Act 2006 in November.)

The act makes wearing any military decoration, badge, wound stripe or emblem without authority a criminal offence. It is also illegal to wear a replica “as to be calculated to deceive”, and to falsely represent yourself as someone entitled to wear any such award,to%20wear%20any%20such%20award.

In the US there is the Stolen Valor Act:

‘”Our nation can never fully express our gratitude for all that our men and women in uniform have experienced on our behalf,” said Senator Dean Heller, one of the creators of the amendment, in 2013. “Their acts of valor helped ensure the safety and security of our nation, and the honor of their awards should never be compromised.’

If claiming to have medals one was not entitled to is deserving of criminal investigation and punishment, denying others of their valor and honour or even service at all, should be equally punishable as it equally stands against the US wish to ‘fully express our gratitude for all that our men and women in uniform have experienced on our behalf’, and it certainly violates all tenets of ‘esprit de corp’.

Even worse, he takes it for granted that all the population do not want non-Whites. He ignores the fact that these populations are happily voting these ‘unwanted immigrants’ to be their leaders either as Prime Minister of Ireland, Prime Minister of Britain, Mayor of London, leader of Scotland and leader of Wales, just to select a random recent sample.

I must leave the last word to Daniel Defoe in The True-Born Englishman  (1701):

‘The western Angles all the rest subdu’d;

A bloody nation, barbarous and rude:

Who by the tenure of the sword possest

One part of Britain, and subdu’d the rest

And as great things denominate the small,

The conqu’ring part gave title to the whole.

The Scot, Pict, Britain, Roman, Dane, submit,

And with the English-Saxon all unite:

And these the mixture have so close pursu’d,

The very name and memory’s subdu’d:

No Roman now, no Britain does remain;

Wales strove to separate, but strove in vain:

The silent nations undistinguish’d fall,

And Englishman’s the common name for all.

Fate jumbled them together, God knows how;

What e’er they were they’re true-born English now.

The wonder which remains is at our pride,

To value that which all wise men deride.

For Englishmen to boast of generation,

Cancels their knowledge, and lampoons the nation.

A true-born Englishman’s a contradiction,

In speech an irony, in fact a fiction.

A banter made to be a test of fools,

Which those that use it justly ridicules.


Since scarce one family is left alive,

Which does not from some foreigner derive.’

Douglas Macgregor, stop this racism.